Big THANK YOU to Eastern AHEC for hosting our quarterly meeting focused on our health care pathway on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. We had a great meeting with partnership updates, employer perspective ECU Health Maynard’s Children’s Hospital Pediatric Trauma Unit, Eastern AHEC and NC East Alliance. Erika Greene with the Pediatric Trauma Unit gave a wonderful illustration of her career pathway which led her to her current role. Contact information is included in the slides for NCEast Alliance and Eastern AHEC. Also, below the pictures you will find contact information for Erika Greene and for the Mobile Lab. Thanks to you all for your continued support of this high-demand healthcare pathway!
Erika Greene, MSN, RN
Pediatric Trauma Program Manager
ECU Health Maynard Children’s Hospital
Phone 252-847-2790
Website for Mobile Simulation Lab:
Contact for Mobile Simulation Lab:
Rebecca M. Gilbird, MPH, CHSE, CHSOS-A
Director, Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Program
Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
(252) 744-4758 Office Direct Line
(252) 744-3251 Simulation Center