November 26, 2018 – College Partnership Recap

We had a great meeting on Monday with lots of good information and updates. The slides shared are below.

In discussing metrics, we agreed that entities should report overlapping paths (i.e. medical office administration) however they are set up for each school, but be sure to note where they included the information (i.e. Healthcare or Business Support Services).  Once we have all the data for 2017-2018, we’ll be able to see where most are reporting and make a determination on where to include it. We’ll also discuss this during the Health Care Pathway review in January. We decided to pull together a group to look at how best to streamline our metrics for the future, and possibly provide the state with a model to follow.  Stay tuned for more information on this.

If your college has not updated the program offerings, please get that information to Brandi ASAP.  We are working to include that information on our website but we will also be sharing it with groups like RAMP-East for marketing purposes.

Our brainstorming session on where local implementation is headed yielded some great “food for thought” of which I’ve noted a few below.  We will continue to focus on local implementation as we finish up our regional work (the Ag/Bio pathway certification).  Please email Brandi if you have thoughts/ideas/suggestions that we can incorporate moving forward. Thanks!


-Consolidate/Reorganize local business advisory groups to better engage local employers without asking too much of them

-Seek out employer “champions” to promote pathways initiatives

-Develop a process to identify and share industry credential certification lists (that employers want)

-Put a process in place for communication, to make sure information gets to every level in our partner organizations

-increased marketing for community awareness

-need for longitudinal data that follows through training to employment


Full Implementation Ideas:

Review of credentials offered locally by each agency and validated by local employers

# of people who complete a pathway/# of people enrolled in a pathway (definition of pathway)

People attaining jobs in established pathways

Attendance at regular group-alike meetings

Advisory of pathway leadership who give recommendations to local implementation teams

Documentation of systemic career development (all agencies) with established baselines

Sign ins of partners at meetings (use % of business involvement, set baselines)

Steps to get there:

Incremental Inclusion of other agencies

Metrics reviewed for need and relevance

Involvement of core and other groups in career pathways

Local business input on skill sets needed

Required increased business engagement


Setting career advisement goals

Increased parental involvement and community involvement



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November 2018 college partnership