GADJ – Career Readiness Lesson Plans

The Guidance and Direction for Job Seekers manual, known as GADJ, was developed to aid frontline staff who provide career counselling. As referenced by the University of Texas at Dallas, a thorough career counselling process is a continuous cycle of assessing self, exploring options, developing skills, marketing self, and performing job skills.  This manual provides necessary components for comprehensive career guidance, with each component divided by age-appropriate strategies and available resources to advance opportunities.

GADJ is written in a “lesson plan” format for ease of delivery. This second edition of GADJ includes 29 fundamental lessons.  We encourage each agency or institution to evaluate their programs and create additional lessons, as needed. 

Please feel free to utilize GADJ in your work with young people or adults who are in the cycle of career development. The “GADJ-Training” video below provides some basic information about how to utilize this resource. You can also follow the link below to access digital versions of the lesson plans and any handouts or other resources available.

If you have questions, or need additional assistance, reach out to