What a great meeting this was! This has to be my favorite event of the year. We were lucky enough to have 6 programs from across our 20 county region to showcase this year. Thank you to everyone who presented and all those who attended. And thanks to all of our partners for the great work you do every single today to help our students and job seekers with career development skills and opportunities.
You can view a recording of the meeting here. Here is the agenda. And this is the PPT. Below you can find email addresses for the presenters.
Job Festival: Mozine Lowe mozine.lowe@center4ee.org
Whirlidogs: Wesley Trump wesley@whirlidogs.com
COA Test Drive: Dr. Evonne Carter evonne_carter@albemarle.edu
#worklocal: Emily Nicholson enicholson@accog.org
BECHS FFA: Brian Reynolds breynolds@bertie.k12.nc.us
ReThink Adult Ed Challenge: Laurie Weston LWeston@email.pittcc.edu
Ivana Stevens ikstevens659@nashcc.edu