Step Three – Developing Skills

Step Three – Developing Skills

Now that you’ve assessed your interests and personality and explored options for careers it’s time to develop your skills.  Here are some resources to help with that!

1. Community Colleges

Community Colleges in our region offer opportunities for degrees, diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships, internships and more!  Each college has different offerings and departments, but they are all here to serve students. Click here to learn more about Community Colleges in our region.

2. NCWorks Career Centers and Partners

Each NC Works Career Center has Career Advisors who can help you learn about programs and options for developing skills through education and work experience.  Centers often partner with representatives from other community agencies to help clients, including:

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) helps people with disabilities achieve their goals for employment and independence. If you have a disability that prevents you from achieving career success or independence in the community of your choice, DVRS can connect you to services and resources to help you meet your goals.

Employment Service Providers – LifeofNC, ECVC, BCDC, Martin Enterprises, Telamon


3. Advanced Manufacturing Institute

The Advanced Manufacturing Institute is intended to meet the basic skills for our industries in the region. The curriculum is designed to be changed as industry changes. Concepts that you will learn from the Advanced Manufacturing Institute are:

  1. Introduction to Manufacturing – engaging students to getting their feet wet to the environment of the industry.

  2. Working Smart – providing the soft skills and critical thinking skills needed to be successful on the job and in daily life situations

  3. Math for Measurement for Industry Workers

  4. *General Industry OSHA-10

  5. *Lean Six Sigma – Yellow Belt

  6. Problem Solving

The first step to enrolling in the Advanced Manufacturing Institute is to complete the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) and to score at a Bronze level. If you have not completed the *Career Readiness Certificate (CRC), please contact your local community college to schedule a time to complete the certification.


4. GCF Learn Free

For almost 20 years, the program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century. From Microsoft Office and email, to reading, math, and more— offers more than 200 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games, completely free.

5. Apprenticeship NC

ApprenticeshipNC helps workers learn specialized skills needed in today’s economy. ApprenticeshipNC is an employer-driven model that combines on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction.

View our 2020 Fall Partners meeting post to learn more about what’s happening with Apprenticeship in NENC.



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